Saturday, 6 November 2010

Brigadeiro for Paulinho's Birthday lunch

Brigadeiro is a Brazilian candy/bonbon type of sweet made of chocolate and condensed milk (yes… indeed very sweet) … This is the most popular treat at kids party …. I grew up with them and they are delicious , it’s almost like cross between a chocolate caramel and a dark chocolate truffle … yummy
There is no Brazilian kids party without “ Brigadeiros” … it’s a must !!!
Try it and let me know , its super easy to make , and it’s super popular in Brazil even with the adults … obviously we are referring to sweet lovers here !!!
PS: Paulinho is turning 35 ;-)

1x Tin of condensed milk
4 x tablespoons of chocolate powder
50gr of butter

Add the condensed milk, the chocolate powder and the butter into a saucepan and let it simmer for 20 minutes, make sure you stir regularly so it doesn’t stick to the pan. Once the mixture starts to boil it will thicken and stick to the pan so when it becomes thick enough, turn the heat off and place it on a tray to let it cool for 20 about minutes.
Tip: to shape the brigadeiros into small balls, dab a little bit of butter on your hands so the mixture doesn’t stick to your fingers and sprinkle with chocolate flakes of your choice.


  1. I want Brigadeiros for my 28th!!!

  2. Fantastic concept! I particularly like the idea of giving the dishes personalized names, very nice touch. Keep up the good work and I'll be sure to e-mail you a couple of my cook's best Nigerian recipes for your consideration.

    Hugs from Lagos!
